BOOK 3, Chptr. 9, P&V pg. 248

Borís goes to see Andrew to request his help in obtaining a staff job. At a council of war, contrary to the opinion of Kutúzov, it is decided that the time is right to attack Napoleon.


  1. Book 3, Chapter 9

      Borís goes to see Andrew to request his help in obtaining a staff job. At a council of war, contrary to the opinion of Kutúzov, it is decided that the time is right to attack Napoleon.

      Borís, always wanting to move up in the world, goes to see Prince Andrew, hoping Prince Andrew can help him move up from the infantry to a more promising position on Kutúzov’s staff. Andrew says that there are already too many people on Kutúzov’s staff. He tells Borís “the fact is that now Kutúzov with his staff and all of us count for nothing. Everything is now centered round the Emperor. So, we will go to Dolgorúkov”. Andrew promises to help Borís obtain a position on Dolgorúkov’s staff. That same day a council of war had been held in which all the members of the Hofkriegsrath and both Emperors took part. At that council, contrary to the views of the old generals Kutúzov and Prince Schwartzenberg, it had been decided to advance immediately and give battle to Bonaparte. The majority opinion is that now is a very promising time to attack Napoleon. They feel that Russia now holds a decisive advantage over the French. Next day, the army began its campaign, and up to the very battle of Austerlitz, Borís was unable to see either Prince Andrew or Dolgorúkov again and remained for a while with the Ismáylov regiment.

      quote from the chapter:
      But this is what we’ll do: I have a good friend, an adjutant general and an excellent fellow, Prince Dolgorúkov; and though you may not know it, the fact is that now Kutúzov with his staff and all of us count for nothing. Everything is now centered round the Emperor. So we will go to Dolgorúkov; I have to go there anyhow and I have already spoken to him about you. We shall see whether he cannot attach you to himself or find a place for you somewhere nearer the sun.
      Prince Andrew always became specially keen when he had to guide a young man and help him to worldly success. Under cover of obtaining help of this kind for another, which from pride he would never accept for himself, he kept in touch with the circle which confers success and which attracted him. He very readily took up Borís’ cause and went with him to Dolgorúkov.

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