BOOK 3, Chptr. 11, P&V pg. 257

Mostly confident of victory in the upcoming battle, the Russian troops move towards Bonaparte’s army. Russian spirits are high but, for his part, Kutozov expects the battle to be lost.


  1. Book 3, Chapter 11

      Mostly confident of victory in the upcoming battle, the Russian troops move towards Bonaparte’s army. Russian spirits are high but, for his part, Kutozov expects the battle to be lost.

      In the days preceding the battle of Austerlitz, a great, excitedly bustling activity began in the Russian camp which lasted till the morning of the twentieth, when the memorable battle of Austerlitz was fought. Optimism reigned throughout the Russian army, many believing Napoleon was afraid of a general battle. However, Prince Andrew and Kutozov are not so sanguine. They believe the Russian plan for the upcoming battle is wrong. They realize that Napoleon’s position is not known by the Russians. But their opinion about the Russian battle plan is not heeded. That evening, Prince Andrew could not refrain from asking Kutúzov what he thought of tomorrow’s battle. Kutúzov looked sternly at his adjutant and, after a pause, replied: I think the battle will be lost, and so I told Count Tolstoy and asked him to tell the Emperor.

      quote from the chapter:
      Just as in a clock, the result of the complicated motion of innumerable wheels and pulleys is merely a slow and regular movement of the hands which show the time, so the result of all the complicated human activities of 160,000 Russians and French- all their passions, desires, remorse, humiliations, sufferings, outbursts of pride, fear, and enthusiasm- was only the loss of the battle of Austerlitz, the so-called battle of the three Emperors- that is to say, a slow movement of the hand on the dial of human history.

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