BOOK 2, Chptr. 7, P&V pg. 139

Retreating Russian troops crowd across the Enns bridge as several French cannonballs sail overhead.


  1. Book 2, Chapter 7

      Retreating Russian troops crowd across the Enns bridge as several French cannonballs sail overhead.

      Two of the enemy’s shots have flown overhead while the Russian troops are squeezing over the Enns bridge. So far, the French shots have been inaccurate and the Russians crossing the bridge do not yet appear worried. There is lighthearted banter between the troops. Crowding on the bridge creates disorder, so that some wagons and horsemen block others’ passage, creating a bottleneck. A civilian family in a wagon loaded with household possessions is trying to get through. The woman in the wagon, who has a baby, is verbally harassed. Despite the crowding and the as yet inaccurate French firing, the Russians continue to slowly make their way over the bridge.

      quote from the chapter:
      A woman with an unweaned baby, an old woman, and a healthy German girl with bright red cheeks were sitting on some feather beds. Evidently these fugitives were allowed to pass by special permission. The eyes of all the soldiers turned toward the women, and while the vehicle was passing at foot pace all the soldiers’ remarks related to the two young ones. Every face bore almost the same smile, expressing unseemly thoughts about the women.
      Just see, the German sausage is making tracks, too!
      Sell me the missis, said another soldier, addressing the German, who, angry and frightened, strode energetically along with downcast eyes.

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