BOOK 2, Chptr. 4, P&V pg. 127

Nicholas catches fellow officer Telyánin stealing Denísov’s money.


  1. Book 2, Chapter 4

      Nicholas catches fellow officer Telyánin stealing Denísov’s money.

      The Pávlograd Hussars were stationed two miles from Braunau, where Nicholas is sharing a cottage with Denísov. One morning, returning from a night of gambling, Denísov gives Nicholas a purse containing ten gold coins to hide in his room for him. Shortly thereafter, when Denísov needs the money, he looks for it in the hiding place but the money is not there! Denísov and Nicholas look all over for the money, but it is gone. Denísov thinks maybe Nicholas is playing some kind of a trick on him, or that the servant has taken the money. But the servant has not been in the room. Nicholas realizes that a fellow officer named Telyánin, who had stopped by briefly that morning, is the only person who could have taken the money. Nicholas gets on his horse and follows Telyánin to an inn. Nicholas sees that Telyánin has the purse with the gold. Telyánin at first pretends its his money, but soon is begging Nicholas to take pity on him. Nicholas, disgusted with Telyánin, gives him back the purse, saying If you need it, take the money, and Nicholas walks out of the inn angrily.

      quote from the chapter:
      I know it and shall prove it, said Rostóv.
      Every muscle of Telyánin’s pale, terrified face began to quiver, his eyes still shifted from side to side but with a downward look not rising to Rostóv’s face, and his sobs were audible.
      Count!… Don’t ruin a young fellow… here is this wretched money, take it… He threw it on the table. I have an old father and mother!…
      Rostóv took the money, avoiding Telyánin’s eyes, and went out of the room without a word. But at the door he stopped and then retraced his steps. O God, he said with tears in his eyes, how could you do it?
      Count… said Telyánin drawing nearer to him.
      Don’t touch me, said Rostóv, drawing back. If you need it, take the money, and he threw the purse to him and ran out of the inn.

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