BOOK 1, Chptr. 8, P&V pg. 28

Andrew advises Pierre not to marry until he’s old. He asks Pierre to give up his dissolute lifestyle, and Pierre agrees.


  1. Book 1, Chapter 8

      Andrew advises Pierre not to marry until he’s old. He asks Pierre to give up his dissolute lifestyle, and Pierre agrees.

      Pierre and Andrew dine in Andrew’s luxurious dining room. Halfway through dinner, Andrew tells Pierre he should never marry. Andrew says that marriage is very bad, because it ties a man down with lots of foolish things and prevents focusing on success. “Selfish, vain, stupid, trivial in everything-that’s what women are when you see them in their true colors!” Andrew tells him. Pierre is really surprised to hear Andrew talk like this. Pierre has always seen Andrew as very focused. Pierre says he doesn’t know what he wants to do. Andrew also asks Pierre to “give up visiting those Kurágins and leading that sort of life. It suits you so badly-all this debauchery, dissipation, and the rest of it!”. Pierre promises to give up this dissolute lifestyle.

      quote from the chapter:
      Never, never marry, my dear fellow! That’s my advice: never marry till you can say to yourself that you have done all you are capable of, and until you have ceased to love the woman of your choice and have seen her plainly as she is, or else you will make a cruel and irrevocable mistake.

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