BOOK 1, Chptr. 26, P&V pg. 97

Andrew and Lise arrive at Bald Hills. Lise will stay here with Andrew’s family awaiting the birth of their baby, while Andrew is at the war.


  1. Book 1, Chapter 26

      Andrew and Lise arrive at Bald Hills. Lise will stay here with Andrew’s family awaiting the birth of their baby, while Andrew is at the war.

      Prince Andrew and his wife, the little princess Lise, arrive at Bald Hills. They can’t immediately see the Old Prince, due to his unvarying daily schedule. They go instead to surprise Princess Mary, who is practicing on the piano. Mary practices her music every day at this time. It’s part of the rigid daily schedule set up by the old Prince. The little Princess, Lise, Princess Mary and Mademoiselle Bourienne have an affectionate and tearful greeting. Prince Andrew goes to speak with his father while the Old Prince is dressing for dinner, and the two talk of the upcoming campaign against Napoleon. The pregnant Lise will live at Bald Hills while Andrew is with the army.

      quote from the chapter:
      (the Old Prince speaking to his son Prince Andrew) “The house for your wife is ready. Princess Mary will take her there and show her over, and they’ll talk nineteen to the dozen. That’s their woman’s way! I am glad to have her. Sit down and talk. About Mikhelson’s army …

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