BOOK 1, Chptr. 22, P&V pg. 76

Pierre is summoned to be with the Count. Anna Mikháylovna decides to go along with him to watch out for his interests.


  1. Book 1, Chapter 22

      Pierre is summoned to be with the Count. Anna Mikháylovna decides to go along with him to watch out for his interests.

      Pierre (who Vasíli sent for) and Anna Mikháylovna (who found it necessary to accompany him) go to the house of Count Bezúkhov’s house. Although no one has asked her to do this, Anna jumps into the role of guardian and protector for Pierre, who seems characteristically clueless of what is happening. Pierre is surprised by how everyone in the room looks at him, casting significant looks at him with a kind of awe and even servility. A deference such as he had never before received was shown him. Prince Vasíli greets Pierre somberly, and they go into the sickroom where last rights are being administered to the dying Count, followed by the eldest princess, the priests and deacons and assorted servants, as if there were now no further need for permission to enter the Count’s room.

      quote from the chapter:
      Perhaps the count did not ask for me, said Pierre when he reached the landing. I’d better go to my own room.
      Anna Mikháylovna paused and waited for him to come up.
      Ah, my friend! she said, touching his arm as she had done her son’s when speaking to him that afternoon, believe me I suffer no less than you do, but be a man!
      But really, hadn’t I better go away? he asked, looking kindly at her over his spectacles.
      Ah, my dear friend! Forget the wrongs that may have been done you. Think that he is your father … perhaps in the agony of death. She sighed. I have loved you like a son from the first. Trust yourself to me, Pierre. I shall not forget your interests.
      Pierre did not understand a word, but the conviction that all this had to be grew stronger, and he meekly followed Anna Mikháylovna who was already opening a door.

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