BOOK 1, Chptr. 13, P&V pg. 43

Sónya & Nicholas meet in the conservatory, followed by Natásha & Borís.


  1. Book 1, Chapter 13

      Sónya & Nicholas meet in the conservatory, followed by Natásha & Borís.

      After leaving the drawing room, Natásha runs into the conservatory. She hides and lets Borís walk past her. Still hidden, she sees Sónya and Nicholas kiss after resolving a minor tiff. When Sónya and Nicholas walk away, Natásha calls Borís and kisses him. Borís says he wants to marry Natásha, but they need to wait four years and should not be kissing now. Natásha and Borís agree that they should marry in four years, when Natásha will be sixteen.

      quote from the chapter:
      Natásha, he said, you know that I love you, but….
      You are in love with me? Natásha broke in.
      Yes, I am, but please don’t let us do like that…. In another four years … then I will ask for your hand.
      Natásha considered. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, she counted on her slender little fingers. All right! Then it’s settled?
      A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her eager face.
      Settled! replied Borís.

      Click here to read full text of this chapter.

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