BOOK 5, Chptr. 8, P&V pg. 369

Bald Hills after Lise’s death; the baby contracts a high fever.


  1. Book 5, Chapter 8

      Bald Hills after Lise’s death; the baby contracts a high fever.

      The war was flaming up and nearing the Russian frontier. Everywhere one heard curses on Bonaparte, the enemy of mankind. Militiamen and recruits were being enrolled in the villages, and from the seat of war came contradictory news, false as usual and therefore variously interpreted. The Old Prince, who is weak due to the recent family problems, is very busy with his recruitment duties. The Old Prince gives Andrew a nearby estate. Prince Andrew, thoroughly disillusioned with war, stays home and helps his father. Lise’s baby, now motherless, is being cared for by Princess Mary, Madame B, and several nurses. The baby is a delight to them all. The baby contracts a very high fever. The Old Prince wants Andrew to travel to a certain town to expedite the arrival of additional men and provisions needed by the army. But Andrew vows not to leave until the baby is better. Princess Mary and Andrew, horrified of losing the baby, are at his side constantly. Andrew and Mary argue a little about the best treatment for the baby. The baby is burning up with fever.

      quote from the chapter:
      Well? he asked. Still the same. Wait, for heaven’s sake. Karl Ivánich always says that sleep is more important than anything, whispered Princess Mary with a sigh. Prince Andrew went up to the child and felt him. He was burning hot. Confound you and your Karl Ivánich! He took the glass with the drops and again went up to the cot. Andrew, don’t! said Princess Mary.

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  2. The Old Prince was in charge of recruiting and gathering supplies in three Russian provinces so he wanted Andrew to go to a town in one of those provinces, not to the front.

    1. Thank you very much for finding my error!

      I have now replaced “The Old Prince tries to send Andrew to the front on military business, but Andrew vows not to leave until the baby is better.”
      “The Old Prince wants Andrew to travel to a certain town to expedite the arrival of additional men and provisions needed by the army. But Andrew vows not to leave until the baby is better.”

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