BOOK 4, Chptr. 9, P&V pg. 326

The baby is born. Lise dies and is buried three days later.


  1. Book 4, Chapter 9

      The baby is born. Lise dies and is buried three days later.

      Prince Andrew is permitted to go into the room to be with Lise for a few minutes. Then Andrew is sent out of the room to wait. Within minutes, while Andrew waits outside the room, the baby is born, and the mother dies. Andrew goes to see his father who he has not seen since returning. Andrew finds his father distraught and sobbing over Lise’s death. Three days later the Princess Lise was buried, and Prince Andrew went up the steps to where the coffin stood, to give her the farewell kiss. The old man too came up and kissed the waxen little hands that lay quietly crossed one on the other on her breast. To both Andrew and his father, the face of Lise laying in her coffin seemed to say: Ah, what have you done to me, and why?

      quote from the chapter:
      My darling! he said-a word he had never used to her before. God is merciful…. She looked at him inquiringly and with childlike reproach. I expected help from you and I get none, none from you either! said her eyes. She was not surprised at his having come; she did not realize that he had come. His coming had nothing to do with her sufferings or with their relief. The pangs began again and Mary Bogdánovna advised Prince Andrew to leave the room.

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