BOOK 4, Chptr. 8, P&V pg. 323

Lise goes into labor. Andrew unexpectedly returns to Bald Hills.


  1. Book 4, Chapter 8

      Lise goes into labor. Andrew unexpectedly returns to Bald Hills.

      At Bald Hills, Lise goes into labor before the doctor sent for from Moscow has arrived. There is only an old nurse and midwife there to care for Lise. Just as this is happening Prince Andrew, who many thought dead, unexpectedly arrives at the house.

      quote from the chapter:
      It’s Andrew! thought Princess Mary. No it can’t be, that would be too extraordinary, and at the very moment she thought this, the face and figure of Prince Andrew, in a fur cloak the deep collar of which covered with snow, appeared on the landing where the footman stood with the candle. Yes, it was he, pale, thin, with a changed and strangely softened but agitated expression on his face. He came up the stairs and embraced his sister. You did not get my letter? he asked

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