BOOK 7, Chptr. 10, P&V pg. 520

Nicholas, Sónya and Natásha spend a pleasant evening together.


  1. Book 7, Chapter 10

      Nicholas, Sónya and Natásha spend a pleasant evening together.

      After tea, Nicholas, Sónya, and Natásha went to the sitting room and pass the time reminiscing about childhood memories and other musings. At some point, Dimmler the musician comes in and plays music on the harp. Then Natásha is asked to sing. After that, they join in a costume game with some of the house serfs who are singing, dancing, and playing Christmas games. A number of them decide to show their costumes to a neighbor, and they set off in several sleighs. Riding with her in the same sleigh, Nicholas notices how charming Sónya looks.

      quote from the chapter:
      A hare’s track, a lot of tracks! rang out Natásha’s voice through the frost-bound air.
      How light it is, Nicholas! came Sónya’s voice.
      Nicholas glanced round at Sónya, and bent down to see her face closer. Quite a new, sweet face with black eyebrows and mustaches peeped up at him from her sable furs-so close and yet so distant-in the moonlight.
      That used to be Sónya, thought he, and looked at her closer and smiled.
      What is it, Nicholas?
      Nothing, said he and turned again to the horses.

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