BOOK 7, Chptr. 4, P&V pg. 495

The hunt begins. Soon after the wolf slips by the Count.


  1. Book 7, Chapter 4

      The hunt begins. Soon after the wolf slips by the Count.

      The old count, who had always kept up an enormous hunting establishment but had now handed it all completely over to his son’s care, prepared to go out with the others. In an hour’s time the whole hunting party was at the porch. This wolf hunt is a huge event, with many family members, grooms, servants, neighbors, and over 130 dogs participating. It’s a very organized affair, with everyone knowing their assignments. They all fan out to comb the area where the wolf is believed to be. The dogs soon catch the scent of the wolf cubs, and the dogs and men quickly spring into action. The count hears the dogs coming towards him out of the woods. Ahead of them, a wolf lopes out of the woods, and disappears again into the bushes. Dogs and hunters come barreling after the wolf. The Count is chastised for allowing the wolf to get by him. But the others continue furiously pursuing the escaping wolf.

      quote from the chapter:
      The wolf paused, turned its heavy forehead toward the dogs awkwardly, like a man suffering from the quinsy, and, still slightly swaying from side to side, gave a couple of leaps and with a swish of its tail disappeared into the skirt of the wood. At the same instant, with a cry like a wail, first one hound, then another, and then another, sprang helter-skelter from the wood opposite and the whole pack rushed across the field toward the very spot where the wolf had disappeared. The hazel bushes parted behind the hounds and Daniel’s chestnut horse appeared, dark with sweat. On its long back sat Daniel, hunched forward, capless, his disheveled gray hair hanging over his flushed, perspiring face.
      Ulyulyulyu! ulyulyu!… he cried. When he caught sight of the count his eyes flashed lightning.
      Blast you! he shouted, holding up his whip threateningly at the count.
      You’ve let the wolf go!.

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