BOOK 7, Chptr. 3, P&V pg. 493

One day, Nicholas decides to go on a wolf hunt.


  1. Book 7, Chapter 3

      One day, Nicholas decides to go on a wolf hunt.

      One morning in the Fall, young Rostóv sees it’s a perfect morning for hunting. Nicholas and his huntsman, who is named Daniel, are aware of a she-wolf who has moved with her cubs into a nearby wooded area. Nicholas talks it over with the huntsman, and he and Daniel decide to organize a hunting party for the day. Just then, Natásha passes by and sees that they are going. She insists on joining them, along with their brother Pétya. Nicholas does not want Natásha along, but she insists on hunting with them. She orders her horses saddled for the hunt.

      quote from the chapter:

      You are going? asked Natásha. I knew you would! Sónya said you wouldn’t go, but I knew that today is the sort of day when you couldn’t help going.
      Yes, we are going, replied Nicholas reluctantly, for today, as he intended to hunt seriously, he did not want to take Natásha and Pétya. We are going, but only wolf hunting: it would be dull for you.
      You know it is my greatest pleasure, said Natásha. It’s not fair; you are going by yourself, are having the horses saddled and said nothing to us about it.
      ‘No barrier bars a Russian’s path’-we’ll go! shouted Pétya.
      But you can’t. Mamma said you mustn’t, said Nicholas to Natásha.
      Yes, I’ll go. I shall certainly go, said Natásha decisively.

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