BOOK 8, Chptr. 7, P&V pg. 554

Old Prince Bolkónski’s pointedly unfriendly reception of the Rostóv’s makes Natásha cry.


  1. Book 8, Chapter 7

      Old Prince Bolkónski’s pointedly unfriendly reception of the Rostóv’s makes Natásha cry.

      Count Rostóv and Natásha go to meet old Prince Bolkónski and Mary. They get a very rude reception, the old Prince at first declining to see them. Mary receives them instead. Count Rostóv leaves the two alone to chat for a while. Then the old Prince, dressed very casually, looks in on them and pretends surprise at seeing Natásha in his house. The old Prince then leaves the room. Mademoiselle Bourienne remains in the room uninvited, preventing Mary and Natásha having a private conversation. Under these stressful conditions, neither Mary nor Natásha is able to show much kindness for the other, and they are unable to have an intimate conversation. At home that afternoon, a very sad Natásha cries over how badly her first encounter with her new family has gone.

      quote from the chapter:
      When the count was already leaving the room, Princess Mary went up hurriedly to Natásha, took her by the hand, and said with a deep sigh:
      Wait, I must…
      Natásha glanced at her ironically without knowing why.
      Dear Natalie, said Princess Mary, I want you to know that I am glad my brother has found happiness….
      She paused, feeling that she was not telling the truth. Natásha noticed this and guessed its reason.
      I think, Princess, it is not convenient to speak of that now, she said with external dignity and coldness, though she felt the tears choking her.
      What have I said and what have I done? thought she, as soon as she was out of the room.
      They waited a long time for Natásha to come to dinner that day. She sat in her room crying like a child, blowing her nose and sobbing.

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