BOOK 9, Chptr. 8, P&V pg. 627

Prince Andrew rejoins the army, visits Bald Hills, and looks out for any opportunity to challenge Anatole to a duel.


  1. Book 9, Chapter 8

      Prince Andrew rejoins the army, visits Bald Hills, and looks out for any opportunity to challenge Anatole to a duel.

      After his interview with Pierre, Prince Andrew left Moscow. He hoped to find Anatole wherever he was and make some excuse to challenge him to a duel. Andrew wants to work hard to cover up his lack of inner peace. He rejoins the army, and on his way there he visited Bald Hills. The situation at Bald Hills, Andrew finds, has gotten worse. The household had divided into two hostile factions, one with the Old Prince and Mademoiselle Bourienne, the other with Princess Mary and the staff who took her side. The Old Prince blamed Princess Mary for everything. When the old Prince tried to complain about the Princess to Andrew, Andrew stood up to his father for the first time in his life. He frankly told his father that, in Andrew’s opinion, Mary was completely innocent and all the problems in the house were the fault of Mademoiselle Bourienne. The old Prince became angry, and told Andrew to get out of the house. Andrew left the next day. The Princess Mary realizes that Andrew wants to take revenges on Anatole and resents Mademoiselle Bourienne, and his spiritual sister urges Andrew to forgive and forget. Still, Andrew wants revenge.

      quote from the chapter:

      Good-by, Andrew! Remember that misfortunes come from God, and men are never to blame, were the last words he heard from his sister when he took leave of her.
      Then it must be so! thought Prince Andrew as he drove out of the avenue from the house at Bald Hills. She, poor innocent creature, is left to be victimized by an old man who has outlived his wits. The old man feels he is guilty, but cannot change himself. My boy is growing up and rejoices in life, in which like everybody else he will deceive or be deceived. And I am off to the army. Why? I myself don’t know. I want to meet that man whom I despise, so as to give him a chance to kill and laugh at me!
      These conditions of life had been the same before, but then they were all connected, while now they had all tumbled to pieces. Only senseless things, lacking coherence, presented themselves one after another to Prince Andrew’s mind.

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