BOOK 11, Chptr. 8, P&V pg. 840

While walking back to the inn, Pierre meets three soldiers who share their humble food with him and accompany him on the long walk to the town.


  1. Book 11, Chapter 8

      While walking back to the inn, Pierre meets three soldiers who share their humble food with him and accompany him on the long walk to the town.

      Near the end of the battle of Borodinó, Pierre became entangled in the crowds of soldiers heading for their camps. He passes by the bloody medical station. After this terrible day Pierre wanted only to return to normality and to sleep in his own bed. He walks a few miles, stops to rest, and meets a group of three soldiers who are going the same direction. The soldiers kindly share their humble mash with him, and he walks with them through the night to the town. There he meets his groom, who takes Pierre back to the inn. But there is not a room to be had at the inn, they were all occupied. So Pierre went out into the yard and, covering himself up head and all, lay down in his carriage to sleep.

      quote from the chapter:
      Would you like a little mash? the first soldier asked, and handed Pierre a wooden spoon after licking it clean.
      Pierre sat down by the fire and began eating the mash, as they called the food in the cauldron, and he thought it more delicious than any food he had ever tasted. As he sat bending greedily over it, helping himself to large spoonfuls and chewing one after another, his face was lit up by the fire and the soldiers looked at him in silence.
      Where have you to go to? Tell us! said one of them.
      To Mozháysk.
      You’re a gentleman, aren’t you?
      And what’s your name?
      Peter Kirílych.
      Well then, Peter Kirílych, come along with us, we’ll take you there.

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