BOOK 10, Chptr. 3, P&V pg. 690

On a now typical evening, the old Prince tries to get to sleep.


  1. Book 10, Chapter 3

      On a now typical evening, the old Prince tries to get to sleep. Strangely, he sets up his bed in a different spot in the house every night. He is not thinking clearly.

      The old Prince tries to go to sleep in the evening. He sat at his bureau reading his Remarks, a manuscript which was to be transmitted to the Emperor after his death. Then, he spent two hours instructing a servant he planned to send to Smolénsk on errands. Then, he composed a letter to the Governor, and began to look for a spot to set up his bed for the night. Strangely, he sets up his bed in a different spot in the house every night, hoping to find somewhere he can go to sleep without having depressing thoughts. That evening, he puts his bed behind the piano. He undresses with the help of a servant and tries to sleep, seeming to wish he were already dead. He falls asleep, but soon wakes up abruptly and remembers he needs to read the letter he got that day from Andrew. Only momentarily does he grasp what Andrew is saying about Napoleon’s approach, and then his mind aimlessly drifts back to some random events of his youth.

      quote from the chapter:
      Only now in the stillness of the night, reading it by the faint light under the green shade, did he grasp its meaning for a moment.
      The French at Vítebsk, in four days’ march they may be at Smolénsk; perhaps are already there! Tíkhon! Tíkhon jumped up. No, no, I don’t want anything! he shouted.
      He put the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes. And there rose before him the Danube at bright noonday: reeds, the Russian camp, and himself a young general without a wrinkle on his ruddy face, vigorous and alert, entering Potëmkin’s gaily colored tent, and a burning sense of jealousy of the favorite agitated him now as strongly as it had done then.

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