BOOK 14, Chptr. 8, P&V pg. 1048

Dólokhov plans to slip into the village in disguise in order to assess the French forces. Pétya volunteers to go along, although Denísov attempts to forbid it. Dólokhov implies that Denísov should be executing any French he captures.


  1. Book 14, Chapter 8

      Dólokhov plans to slip into the village in disguise in order to assess the French forces. Pétya volunteers to go along, although Denísov attempts to forbid it. Dólokhov implies that Denísov should be executing any French he captures.

      Dólokhov arrives at Denísov’s camp. Pétya is impressed by Dólokhov. He has heard many stories of Dólokhov’s extraordinary bravery and of his cruelty to the French. Dólokhov, noticing the French drummer boy, asks Denísov how he handles captured French prisoners. Denísov says he turns them in and gets a receipt. Dólokhov says it would be better for Denísov to kill his prisoners, but Denísov says he doesn’t want to have their deaths on his conscious. Dólokhov says he himself would be killed if captured. They are not speaking explicitly, so Pétya doesn’t immediately understand what they are saying. Dólokhov wants to go into the village to observe firsthand the strength of their enemy. Pétya volunteers to go with him. Denísov is opposed to them going, and flatly forbids Pétya from doing so. Pétya, however, will not take no for an answer and plans to go with Dólokhov. They will wear French uniforms when they enter the village to hopefully escape detection.

      quote from the chapter:
      But for you and me, old fellow, it’s time to drop these amenities, continued Dólokhov, as if he found particular pleasure in speaking of this subject which irritated Denísov. Now, why have you kept this lad? he went on, swaying his head. Because you are sorry for him! Don’t we know those ‘receipts’ of yours? You send a hundred men away, and thirty get there. The rest either starve or get killed. So isn’t it all the same not to send them?

      The esaul, screwing up his light-colored eyes, nodded approvingly.

      That’s not the point. I’m not going to discuss the matter. I do not wish to take it on my conscience. You say they’ll die. All wight. Only not by my fault!

      Dólokhov began laughing.

      Click here to read full text of this chapter.

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