BOOK 14, Chptr. 6, P&V pg. 1043

Tíkhon tells Denísov about his attempt to capture a French soldier for intelligence gathering purposes.


  1. Book 14, Chapter 6

      Tíkhon tells Denísov about his attempt to capture a French soldier for intelligence gathering purposes.

      After talking more about the attack planned for the next day, Denísov and his companions begin to return to camp. On the way, they run into Tíkhon, who describes with embellishment his attempt to capture a French soldier for intelligence gathering. Timkon says he captured a Frenchman in the morning, but this individual didn’t seem to know much. Timkon returned to the village to capture another informant, but was seen and chased away by some Frenchmen. Timkon is teased by the others, but takes it good-naturedly. Pétya is uneasy when he realizes Tíkhon killed his first prisoner, but this feeling soon passes. Denísov seems to have decided to attack the village tomorrow whether or not Dólokhov arrives. However, they learn that Dólokhov is expected soon.

      quote from the chapter:
      I went for another one, Tíkhon continued, and I crept like this through the wood and lay down. (He suddenly lay down on his stomach with a supple movement to show how he had done it.) One turned up and I grabbed him, like this. (He jumped up quickly and lightly.) ‘Come along to the colonel,’ I said. He starts yelling, and suddenly there were four of them. They rushed at me with their little swords. So I went for them with my ax, this way: ‘What are you up to?’ says I. ‘Christ be with you!’ shouted Tíkhon, waving his arms with an angry scowl and throwing out his chest.

      Yes, we saw from the hill how you took to your heels through the puddles! said the esaul, screwing up his glittering eyes.

      Pétya badly wanted to laugh, but noticed that they all refrained from laughing.

      Click here to read full text of this chapter.

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