BOOK 12, Chptr. 7, P&V pg. 953

Nicholas’ prays to be released from his commitment to Sónya, and suddenly his prayer is answered. Mary goes to find Prince Andrew.


  1. Book 12, Chapter 7

      Nicholas’ prays to be released from his commitment to Sónya, and suddenly his prayer is answered. Mary goes to find Prince Andrew.

      The dreadful news of the battle of Borodinó reached Nicholas. He hurries to finish buying the horses so he can return to his regiment. A few days before his departure, Nicholas runs into Princess Mary in the cathedral. He notices her striking moral beauty. Mary is also about to leave town, to look for Prince Andrew. She only knows her brother has been wounded, and worries he might be dead. To comfort her, Nicholas tells Mary if her brother had died it would have been announced in the Gazette. He tells her its possible Andrew isn’t badly wounded. Later that evening, Nicholas realizes he loves Mary much more than he ever loved Sónya. He prays sincerely to God to be released from his promise to wed Sónya. Just then, his servant walks in with two letters. The first, from Sónya, releases Nicholas from his promise. The second letter, from his mother, tells him Andrew is traveling with the Rostóv family. The next day Nicholas lets Mary know where Andrew is, and sees her off on her journey. A few days later Nicholas leaves to rejoin his regiment.

      quote from the chapter:
      Why don’t I pray for what I want? he suddenly thought. What do I want? To be free, released from Sónya… She was right, he thought, remembering what the governor’s wife had said: Nothing but misfortune can come of marrying Sónya. Muddles, grief for Mamma… business difficulties… muddles, terrible muddles! Besides, I don’t love her-not as I should. O, God! release me from this dreadful, inextricable position! he suddenly began to pray. Yes, prayer can move mountains, but one must have faith and not pray as Natásha and I used to as children, that the snow might turn into sugar-and then run out into the yard to see whether it had done so. No, but I am not praying for trifles now, he thought as he put his pipe down in a corner, and folding his hands placed himself before the icon. Softened by memories of Princess Mary he began to pray as he had not done for a long time. Tears were in his eyes and in his throat when the door opened and Lavrúshka came in with some papers.

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