BOOK 12, Chptr. 5, P&V pg. 947

When someone offers to arrange a marriage between Nicholas and Princess Mary, Nicholas is open to the idea despite his former promise to Sónya.


  1. Book 12, Chapter 5

      When someone offers to arrange a marriage between Nicholas and Princess Mary, Nicholas is open to the idea despite his former promise to Sónya.

      At the dance, the Governor’s wife offers to try to make a match between Nicholas and Princess Mary. Nicholas’s initial reaction is to not oppose the idea. After dinner the two have another chat. Nicholas says he does not want to marry for money, but he likes Princess Mary very much, and he thinks it might be his fate to marry her. Still, though, Nicholas has some reservations. He brings up his earlier promise to Sónya, who he does love. But the matchmaker points out that Sónya has nothing and Count Rostóv’s financial affairs are in a very bad way. She points out this would be no sort of life, that it would just mean heartbreak and ruin for the family. Sónya ought to understand this, she says. These arguments seem to convince Nicholas. So, the two agree that the matchmaker will try to arrange the marriage of Nicholas’ to Princess Mary.

      quote from the chapter:
      You know Sónya, my cousin? I love her, and promised to marry her, and will do so…. So you see there can be no question about- said Nicholas incoherently and blushing.
      My dear boy, what a way to look at it! You know Sónya has nothing and you yourself say your Papa’s affairs are in a very bad way. And what about your mother? It would kill her, that’s one thing. And what sort of life would it be for Sónya-if she’s a girl with a heart? Your mother in despair, and you all ruined…. No, my dear, you and Sónya ought to understand that.
      Nicholas remained silent. It comforted him to hear these arguments.
      All the same, Aunt, it is impossible, he rejoined with a sigh, after a short pause. Besides, would the princess have me? And besides, she is now in mourning. How can one think of it!

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