BOOK 1, Chptr. 21, P&V pg. 70

Vasíli convinces Princess Catherine they need to destroy certain documents to prevent the Count leaving his fortune to Pierre.


  1. Book 1, Chapter 21

      Vasíli convinces Princess Catherine they need to destroy certain documents to prevent the Count leaving his fortune to Pierre.

      Around the time the Rostóv party was ending, the wealthy Count Bezúkhov had a sixth stroke. The doctors pronounced recovery impossible. Various visitors have arrived at his house to await the outcome. People wonder to whom the count has left his great wealth. With effort, Vasíli manages to get Catherine to understand that its totally possible that Pierre could inherit the Count’s entire fortune, leaving Catherine and her sisters with nothing, if the Count has so specified this in his will and in a letter to the Emperor. Once he convinces her this is possible, Vasíli tells Catherine that they must find and destroy the will and letter, if they exist, to “rectify” the Count’s mistake. Catherine says she thinks the Count keeps these documents in an inlaid portfolio under his pillow. Catherine throws the blame on Vasíli’s protégé “that sweet Princess Drubetskáya, that Anna Mikháylovna” for having turned the Count against them.

      quote from the chapter:
      But, my dear, said Prince Vasíli suddenly, clutching the little table and becoming more animated and talking more rapidly: what if a letter has been written to the Emperor in which the count asks for Pierre’s legitimation? Do you understand that in consideration of the count’s services, his request would be granted?…
      The princess smiled as people do who think they know more about the subject under discussion than those they are talking with.
      I can tell you more, continued Prince Vasíli, seizing her hand, that letter was written, though it was not sent, and the Emperor knew of it. The only question is, has it been destroyed or not? If not, then as soon as all is over, and Prince Vasíli sighed to intimate what he meant by the words all is over, and the count’s papers are opened, the will and letter will be delivered to the Emperor, and the petition will certainly be granted. Pierre will get everything as the legitimate son.

      Click here to read full text of this chapter.

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