BOOK 7, Chptr. 12, P&V pg. 529

Nicholas realizes he wants to marry Sónya. Sónya and Natásha attempt to conjure a remote vision of Andrew in a mirror.


  1. Book 7, Chapter 12

      Nicholas realizes he wants to marry Sónya. Sónya and Natásha attempt to conjure a remote vision of Andrew in a mirror.

      Natásha, who always saw and noticed everything, arranges that Nicholas and Sónya ride home in the same sleigh. Along the way, Nicholas makes up his mind to marry Sónya. When he tells Natásha about this, she thinks its wonderful. Later, at home, Sónya and Natásha imagine their future married lives, thinking that Nicholas and Andrew will become good friends. A little later, they try a distant viewing technique which legend says can allow one to see someone who is very far away. Sónya pretends to Natásha she sees Andrew in the mirror. After this imaginary sighting of Andrew, Natásha goes to bed and lays open-eyed and motionless for a long time, her own desire to see Andrew still unsatisfied.

      quote from the chapter:
      But why shouldn’t I say I saw something? Others do see! Besides who can tell whether I saw anything or not? flashed through Sónya’s mind. Yes, I saw him, she said. How? Standing or lying? No, I saw… At first there was nothing, then I saw him lying down. Andrew lying? Is he ill? asked Natásha, her frightened eyes fixed on her friend. No, on the contrary, on the contrary! His face was cheerful, and he turned to me. And when saying this she herself fancied she had really seen what she described. Well, and then, Sónya?… After that, I could not make out what there was; something blue and red…. Sónya! When will he come back? When shall I see him! O, God, how afraid I am for him and for myself and about everything!…

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