BOOK 8, Chptr. 16, P&V pg. 581

Once the plan to abduct Natásha is in place, Dólokhov tries to get Anatole to reconsider.


  1. Book 8, Chapter 16

      Once the plan to abduct Natásha is in place, Dólokhov tries to get Anatole to reconsider.

      Anatole had lately moved to Dólokhov’s. The plan for Natalie Rostóva’s abduction had been arranged and the preparations made by Dólokhov a few days before, and on the day that Sónya, after listening at Natásha’s door, resolved to safeguard her, it was to have been put into execution. But Dólokhov urges Anatole not to go through with it. He says it is a bad idea. First of all, Dólokhov points out that it would be illegal for Anatole to marry Natásha, since he is already married. Anatole would very likely face criminal charges. Secondly, although Anatole has borrowed the money he needs to elope, after that he and Natásha would have no money to live on. So, from a practical perspective, it is a stupid plan. Dólokhov earnestly tries to get Anatole to drop the idea, but Anatole is having none of it. Having failed to talk Anatole out of his plan, Dólokhov gives up trying. They talk to a trusted troyka driver who will drive the sleigh to be used by Natásha and Anatole.

      quote from the chapter:

      I helped you, but all the same I must tell you the truth; it is a dangerous business, and if you think about it-a stupid business. Well, you’ll carry her off-all right! Will they let it stop at that? It will come out that you’re already married. Why, they’ll have you in the criminal court….
      Oh, nonsense, nonsense! Anatole ejaculated and again made a grimace. Didn’t I explain to you? What? And Anatole, with the partiality dull-witted people have for any conclusion they have reached by their own reasoning, repeated the argument he had already put to Dólokhov a hundred times. Didn’t I explain to you that I have come to this conclusion: if this marriage is invalid, he went on, crooking one finger, then I have nothing to answer for; but if it is valid, no matter! Abroad no one will know anything about it. Isn’t that so? And don’t talk to me, don’t, don’t.
      Seriously, you’d better drop it! You’ll only get yourself into a mess!

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