BOOK 10, Chptr. 26, P&V pg. 777

Napoleon issues his order of the day for the army, on the eve of the battle of Borodinó.


  1. Book 10, Chapter 26

      Napoleon issues his order of the day for the army, on the eve of the battle of Borodinó.

      In this chapter Tolstoy describes the scene in Napoleon’s quarters at Valúevo on August 25, the eve of the battle of Borodinó. Several valets are rubbing down and sprinkling cologne on the pampered Napoleon, prior to dressing him. An aide-de-camp reports to Napoleon that all Russian prisoners are being executed. He receives a report on the battle of Salamanca. Someone tells him he is much missed in Paris. No opportunity to praise Napoleon is overlooked. Walking out, Napoleon receives a gift of a portrait sent him by the Empress by a famous artist, depicting his son by the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. The portrait symbolically depicts the child ruling the globe. Predictably, everyone seeing it raves about the painting. After breakfasting, Napoleon dictates his order of the day to the army. He wants to inspire the French troops for the coming battle. Napoleon expects to be in Moscow in three days.

      quote from the chapter:
      After breakfast Napoleon in de Beausset’s presence dictated his order of the day to the army. Short and energetic! he remarked when he had read over the proclamation which he had dictated straight off without corrections.

      It ran: “Soldiers! This is the battle you have so longed for. Victory depends on you. It is essential for us; it will give us all we need: comfortable quarters and a speedy return to our country. Behave as you did at Austerlitz, Friedland, Vítebsk, and Smolénsk. Let our remotest posterity recall your achievements this day with pride. Let it be said of each of you: He was in the great battle before Moscow! Before Moscow! repeated Napoleon

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