BOOK 10, Chptr. 35, P&V pg. 805

During the battle, Kutúzov commands the army with a light touch, issues orders only as demanded, and is mostly concerned that the army maintains the correct “spirit”.


  1. Book 10, Chapter 35

      During the battle, Kutúzov commands the army with a light touch, issues orders only as demanded, and is mostly concerned that the army maintains the correct “spirit”.

      At Górki, near the center of the Russian position, Kutúzov commands the army during the battle of Borodinó. He gave no orders, but only assented to or dissented from what others suggested. He listened to the reports and dealt with crises only as needed. But he did not try to direct everything, which no one person could do. Not overly concerned with tactics, he rather focuses on the “spirit” of the army. When Bagratión is wounded, he sends someone else to command the first army. When Murat is captured, he publicizes the fact. He downplays negative news, and when Barclay de Tolly reports the battle is lost, Kutúzov strenuously sends word de Tolly does not know what he is talking about. On the contrary, Kutúzov’s says that Russian has won the day, and issues an order to the army that tomorrow they will attack the French.

      quote from the chapter:
      By long years of military experience (Kutúzov) knew, and with the wisdom of age understood, that it is impossible for one man to direct hundreds of thousands of others struggling with death, and he knew that the result of a battle is decided not by the orders of a commander in chief, nor the place where the troops are stationed, nor by the number of cannon or of slaughtered men, but by that intangible force called the spirit of the army, and he watched this force and guided it in as far as that was in his power.

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