BOOK 11, Chptr. 14, P&V pg. 855

In the Rostóv house, everyone is rushing to get ready for evacuation the next day. Natásha takes over direction of the work. A badly wounded officer to be lodged at the house is Prince Andrew.


  1. Book 11, Chapter 14

      In the Rostóv house, everyone is rushing to get ready for evacuation the next day. Natásha takes over direction of the work. A badly wounded officer to be lodged at the house is Prince Andrew.

      After dinner the whole Rostóv household set to work with enthusiastic haste packing their belongings and preparing for their departure. The old count ran about shouting confused instructions, and soon all became total confusion owing to the count’s contradictory orders, with much shouting and disputing. The scene was confused and chaotic. Suddenly, Natásha, with the ardor characteristic of all she did, sprung into action and took over direction of the packing. Thanks to Natásha’s directions the work now went on expeditiously, unnecessary things were left behind, and the most valuable belongings packed as compactly as possible. That night another wounded man was driven into the Rostóvs’ yard. He appeared to be a very important man. Please come in here. The masters are going away and the whole house will be empty, said the old woman to the old attendant. Well, perhaps, said he with a sigh. We don’t expect to get him home alive! We have a house of our own in Moscow, but it’s a long way from here, and there’s nobody living in it. This badly wounded officer, it turned out, was actually Prince Andrew.

      quote from the chapter:
      That night another wounded man was driven down the Povarskáya, and Mávra Kuzmínichna, who was standing at the gate, had him brought into the Rostóvs’ yard. Mávra Kuzmínichna concluded that he was a very important man. He was being conveyed in a calèche with a raised hood, and was quite covered by an apron. On the box beside the driver sat a venerable old attendant. A doctor and two soldiers followed the carriage in a cart.
      Please come in here. The masters are going away and the whole house will be empty, said the old woman to the old attendant.
      Well, perhaps, said he with a sigh. We don’t expect to get him home alive! We have a house of our own in Moscow, but it’s a long way from here, and there’s nobody living in it.
      Do us the honor to come in, there’s plenty of everything in the master’s house. Come in, said Mávra Kuzmínichna. Is he very ill? she asked.
      The attendant made a hopeless gesture.
      We don’t expect to get him home! We must ask the doctor.

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