BOOK 11, Chptr. 23, P&V pg. 880

Disorderly crowds of working men read a government edict telling them to join tomorrow’s battle. However, they begin to realize the battle is a hoax played on them by the authorities.


  1. Book 11, Chapter 23

      Disorderly crowds of working men read a government edict telling them to join tomorrow’s battle. However, they begin to realize the battle is a hoax played on them by the authorities.

      That night, drunken and somewhat disorderly groups of working men roam Moscow’s streets and pubs. They wonder if Moscow is to be given up to the French, something inconceivable to them. Someone reads a government edict issued in a broadsheet. According to the edict, they are to participate in a battle the next day against the French to defend Moscow. They encounter the superintendent of police, who had gone by Count Rostopchín’s orders to burn the barges and had come away from that with a lot of misbegotten cash. The men tell the Superintendent they intend to fight, but he tells them little and departs quickly. The men begin to realize no battle to defend Moscow will take place. Having remained in the city as others have fled, the men have now been abandoned.

      quote from the chapter:
      The superintendent of police turned round at that moment with a scared look, said something to his coachman, and his horses increased their speed.
      It’s a fraud, lads! Lead the way to him, himself! shouted the tall youth. Don’t let him go, lads! Let him answer us! Keep him! shouted different people and the people dashed in pursuit of the trap.
      Following the superintendent of police and talking loudly the crowd went in the direction of the Lubyánka Street.
      There now, the gentry and merchants have gone away and left us to perish. Do they think we’re dogs? voices in the crowd were heard saying more and more frequently.

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