BOOK 11, Chptr. 30, P&V pg. 913

On their second night on the road, the Rostóv family and the wounded men traveling with them first see Moscow burning in the distance.


  1. Book 11, Chapter 30

      On their second night on the road, the Rostóv family and the wounded men traveling with them first see Moscow burning in the distance.

      The glow of the first fire that began on the second of September was watched from the various roads by the fugitive Muscovites and by the retreating troops. The Rostóv family, traveling with many wounded in their party, sadly saw the fires on their second night out. Due to crowding on the roads and other delays, the Rostóv’s only managed to cover 14 miles in their first two days on the road. Some of the wounded soldiers in their party are in great pain. At ten o’clock that evening the Rostóv family and the wounded traveling with them were all distributed in the yards and huts of a large village. They see a fire in the distance and realize their beloved Moscow is burning.

      quote from the chapter:
      But what do you think, Daniel Teréntich? Doesn’t it look as if that glow were in Moscow? remarked one of the footmen.
      Daniel Teréntich made no reply, and again for a long time they were all silent. The glow spread, rising and falling, farther and farther still. God have mercy…. It’s windy and dry… said another voice. Just look! See what it’s doing now. O Lord! You can even see the crows flying. Lord have mercy on us sinners! They’ll put it out, no fear! Who’s to put it out? Daniel Teréntich, who had hitherto been silent, was heard to say. His voice was calm and deliberate. Moscow it is, brothers, said he. Mother Moscow, the white… his voice faltered, and he gave way to an old man’s sob.
      And it was as if they had all only waited for this to realize the significance for them of the glow they were watching. Sighs were heard, words of prayer, and the sobbing of the count’s old valet.

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