First Epilogue: 1813-20, Chptr. 16, P&V pg. 1174

In the evening, Pierre and Natasha enjoy a conversation. They understand each other so well they can discuss various topics simultaneously and understand the other’s thoughts. That night young Nicholas has a dream in where Prince Andrew visits him and approves of his son.


  1. First Epilogue, Chapter 16

      In the evening, Pierre and Natasha enjoy a conversation. These two by now understand each other so well that they can discuss various topics simultaneously, in a nonlinear manner, and each understand perfectly the other’s thoughts. Also, that night young Nicholas has a powerful dream in which his father Prince Andrew visits him and approves of his son.


      Natasha and Pierre, left alone, also began to talk as only a husband and wife can talk, that is, with extraordinary clearness and rapidity, understanding and expressing each other’s thoughts in ways contrary to all rules of logic, without premises, deductions, or conclusions, and in a quite peculiar way. This simultaneous discussion of many topics did not prevent a clear understanding but on the contrary was the surest sign that they fully understood one another. That night they talked about many things – they had missed each other when Pierre was away, what a good person Mary is, Pierre’s conflict with Nicholas over opposing the government, Nicholas himself, Platon Karataev, and their love and family life and other things. Later that night, Little Nicholas dreamed that he and Uncle Pierre were leading a huge army. In the dream, Little Nicholas turned to look at Pierre but Pierre was no longer there. In his place was his father- Prince Andrew. His father caressed and pitied him. My father! he thought. My father has been with me and caressed me. He approved of me and of Uncle Pierre, thought the boy upon awakening.

      quote from the chapter:

      Now who could decide whether he is really cleverer than all the others? she asked herself, and passed in review all those whom Pierre most respected. Judging by what he had said there was no one he had respected so highly as Platon Karataev.

      Do you know what I am thinking about? she asked. About Platon Karataev. Would he have approved of you now, do you think?

      Pierre was not at all surprised at this question. He understood his wife’s line of thought.

      Platon Karataev? he repeated, and pondered, evidently sincerely trying to imagine Karataev’s opinion on the subject. He would not have understood… yet perhaps he would.

      I love you awfully! Natasha suddenly said. Awfully, awfully!

      No, he would not have approved, said Pierre, after reflection. What he would have approved of is our family life. He was always so anxious to find seemliness, happiness, and peace in everything, and I should have been proud to let him see us.

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