Definite news of Mack’s defeat means Kutúzov can no longer delay going into battle.
Nicholas catches fellow officer Telyánin stealing Denísov’s money.
Nicholas is in trouble with the Colonel for reporting the theft, but their conflict is soon overshadowed by the news of Mack’s defeat.
Kutúzov’s army is retreating across the Enns bridge, with the French army in close pursuit.
Retreating Russian troops crowd across the Enns bridge as several French cannonballs sail overhead.
The bridge burning at the Enns river is botched, resulting in two Russians wounded.
During their long and rapid retreat, the Russians win a battle with the French, and Andrew is sent to the Austrian court to report the news.
Andrew visits his friend Bilíbin and learns that Vienne was taken by the French.
Next morning Prince Andrew meets Bilíbin’s friends before leaving to call on the Emperor and others.
After meeting Emperor Francis, Andrew decides he must return to the army because Napoleon is advancing on Vienna.