Delayed at a roadside station en route to Petersburg, Pierre listlessly wonders what is the purpose of life. Then, a strange old man enters the station.
Category: Book 05, P&V pgs. 347-418
The old man in the station talks with Pierre about freemasonry and about the need to purify one’s inner self.
In Petersburg, Pierre accepts an invitation to join the Masons. He begins the elaborate and mysterious masonic initiation ceremony.
The Freemason induction ceremony, continued.
Vasíli very intrusively attempts to get Pierre to take Hélène back, but Pierre sends him away.
After the duel, Anna Pávlovna’s soirées continue as before. Pierre is less favorably looked upon. Hélène and Borís are well regarded.
Hélène initiates a relationship with Borís.
Bald Hills after Lise’s death; the baby contracts a high fever.
The Russian Army is in great difficulty. Andrew’s baby gets well.
Pierre attempts to free his serfs and to take other steps to improve their lives, but his stewards thwart his attempts.