Next morning Prince Andrew meets Bilíbin’s friends before leaving to call on the Emperor and others.
Category: Book 02, P&V pgs. 112-200
After meeting Emperor Francis, Andrew decides he must return to the army because Napoleon is advancing on Vienna.
Andrew meets the army at Krems, where the Russian army is chaotically preparing to withdraw.
An error by French General Murat delays Napoleon’s advance and assists the Russian escape.
Andrew rejoins Bagratión. Expecting a battle and looking around the camp he meets Artillery Captain Túshin and sees Dólokhov.
Andrew is looking over the Russian troop positions and noting possible improvements when the French artillery begins firing.
The battle begins, Bagratión’s calm assurance and Túshin’s initiative prove invaluable.
The initial French attack damages and disorganizes the Russian defenses, but they quickly fall into order again behind Bagratión’s calm, confident leadership.
Due to command indecision, the Russian left flank is cut off. As the Russians attempt to cut their way out, Nicholas is wounded in the arm.
The French very nearly cut off the Russian left flank, but are repulsed thanks largely to the brave actions of Timókhin, Dólokhov and Artillery Captain Túshin.