BOOK 7, Chptr. 11, P&V pg. 526

The merriment continues at the Melyukóva house. Sónya and NIcholas kiss.


  1. Book 7, Chapter 11

      The merriment continues at the Melyukóva house. Sónya and NIcholas kiss.

      The sleighs from the Rostóv house arrive and the merriment continues in the Melyukóva drawing room, with that family joining wholeheartedly into the fun. They thanked them all for the visit and having entertained her so well. The visitors were invited to supper in the drawing room, and the serfs had something served to them in the ballroom. Some ghost stories are told. It’s said one can sometimes hear ghost noises in the barn.. Wishing to try this, and saying she is not afraid, Sónya decides to go alone to the barn to listen for ghosts. Captivated by Sónya, Nicholas seizes this opportunity to slip away from the group. Nicholas intercepts Sónya on her way to the barn. They kiss. Then, they return to the house by separate doors.

      quote from the chapter:
      Sónya came along, wrapped in her cloak. She was only a couple of paces away when she saw him, and to her too he was not the Nicholas she had known and always slightly feared. He was in a woman’s dress, with tousled hair and a happy smile new to Sónya. She ran rapidly toward him.
      Quite different and yet the same, thought Nicholas, looking at her face all lit up by the moonlight. He slipped his arms under the cloak that covered her head, embraced her, pressed her to him, and kissed her on the lips that wore a mustache and had a smell of burnt cork. Sónya kissed him full on the lips, and disengaging her little hands pressed them to his cheeks.

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