BOOK 6, Chptr. 24, P&V pg. 480

Andrew grows closer to the Rostóv family, and later goes abroad as planned.


  1. Book 6, Chapter 24

      Andrew grows closer to the Rostóv family, and later goes abroad as planned.

      Andrew begins to visit the Rostóv’s every day, while at the same time maintaining a certain distance. He wants Natásha to feel she can still change her mind if she wishes. It takes a little while for the Rostóv’s to get used to Andrew, who can seem a bit different at times. But, everyone adjusts. Andrew tells Natásha his son will not be living with them. Andrew does not want to separate his son and his grandfather. This disappoints Natásha. Andrew then prepares to leave to travel abroad He tells her to rely on Pierre if anything bad happens. Pierre can seem a fool, he tells her, but in truth he has a heart of gold.

      quote from the chapter:
      No betrothal ceremony took place and Natásha’s engagement to Bolkónski was not announced; Prince Andrew insisted on that. He said that as he was responsible for the delay he ought to bear the whole burden of it; that he had given his word and bound himself forever, but that he did not wish to bind Natásha and gave her perfect freedom. If after six months she felt that she did not love him she would have full right to reject him. Naturally neither Natásha nor her parents wished to hear of this, but Prince Andrew was firm. He came every day to the Rostóvs’, but did not behave to Natásha as an affianced lover: he did not use the familiar thou, but said you to her, and kissed only her hand. After their engagement, quite different, intimate, and natural relations sprang up between them. It was as if they had not known each other till now.

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