BOOK 6, Chptr. 23, P&V pg. 475

Natásha and Andrew are engaged, but will wait a year to marry.


  1. Book 6, Chapter 23

      Natásha and Andrew are engaged, but will wait a year to marry.

      Andrew visits his father to request permission for the marriage. The old Prince simply dislikes the idea; at his age he simply dislikes changes. But, being diplomatic, the old Prince merely asks that they wait a year to be sure. Andrew agrees to wait. He is inexplicably absent from the Rostóv home for three weeks, and Natásha is distraught, thinking Andrew has abandoned her. But she tries to make the best for her life without Andrew. Then, one day, Andrew returns and proposes to Natásha. But, he tells her, they need to wait a year before marrying. Afterall, its possible she might change her mind. Natásha doesn’t want to wait, but she agrees.

      quote from the chapter:
      A whole year! Natásha repeated suddenly, only now realizing that the marriage was to be postponed for a year. But why a year? Why a year?…
      Prince Andrew began to explain to her the reasons for this delay. Natásha did not hear him.
      And can’t it be helped? she asked. Prince Andrew did not reply, but his face expressed the impossibility of altering that decision.
      It’s awful! Oh, it’s awful! awful! Natásha suddenly cried, and again burst into sobs. I shall die, waiting a year: it’s impossible, it’s awful! She looked into her lover’s face and saw in it a look of commiseration and perplexity.
      No, no! I’ll do anything! she said, suddenly checking her tears. I am so happy.
      The father and mother came into the room and gave the betrothed couple their blessing.

      Click here to read full text of this chapter.

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