BOOK 6, Chptr. 21, P&V pg. 470

At the Bergs house party, Andrew and Natásha meet once again, and attract some attention.


  1. Book 6, Chapter 21

      At the Bergs house party, Andrew and Natásha meet once again, and attract some attention.

      While playing cards, Pierre notices Natásha seems silent and plain until Prince Andrew arrives. Then Natásha comes to life. She was completely transformed and from a plain girl had again become what she had been at the ball. Prince Andrew went up to Pierre, and the latter noticed a new and youthful expression in his friend’s face. Pierre thinks Something very important is happening between them, and a feeling that was both joyful and painful agitated him and made him neglect the game. Véra, too, notices something is up. Véra calls Andrew aside, and begins a conversation with him about feelings in general and about her sister. Véra’s self-satisfied talk embarrasses Prince Andrew, and he starts to move away. Véra mentions Borís’ former crush on Natásha, which interests Andrew. When Andrew gets a chance, he tells Pierre he needs to talk with him, hinting it has something to do with being in love. Pierre is called away before the two can talk more.

      quote from the chapter:
      Prince Andrew was standing before her, saying something to her with a look of tender solicitude. She, having raised her head, was looking up at him, flushed and evidently trying to master her rapid breathing. And the bright glow of some inner fire that had been suppressed was again alight in her. She was completely transformed and from a plain girl had again become what she had been at the ball. Prince Andrew went up to Pierre, and the latter noticed a new and youthful expression in his friend’s face.

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