BOOK 6, Chptr. 12, P&V pg. 448

Borís wants to find a wealthy heiress to marry, but nonetheless begins visiting the Rostóvs frequently, much to Hélène’s displeasure.


  1. Book 6, Chapter 12

      Borís wants to find a wealthy heiress to marry, but nonetheless begins visiting the Rostóvs frequently, much to Hélène’s displeasure.

      Natásha has turned sixteen. This is the year in which she and Borís had once dreamed of marrying. But since joining the Army four years ago, Borís has never visited the Rostóvs. Meanwhile, Borís has gained a brilliant position in society thanks to his intimacy with Countess Bezúkhova. Borís knew full well that he wanted to marry someone wealthy, which Natásha was not. He did not want to deceive Natásha or lead her on. But, at the same time, he found Natásha really attractive. Almost against his will, he began to visit the Rostóv house almost daily, and to spend whole days there. He let off visiting Hélène. Hélène was not happy about this. She sent Borís chiding notes every day, and yet Borís continued spending his time at the Rostóvs.

      quote from the chapter:
      After his first visit Borís said to himself that Natásha attracted him just as much as ever, but that he must not yield to that feeling, because to marry her, a girl almost without fortune, would mean ruin to his career, while to renew their former relations without intending to marry her would be dishonorable. Borís made up his mind to avoid meeting Natásha, but despite that resolution he called again a few days later and began calling often and spending whole days at the Rostóvs’. It seemed to him that he ought to have an explanation with Natásha and tell her that the old times must be forgotten, that in spite of everything… she could not be his wife, that he had no means, and they would never let her marry him. But he failed to do so and felt awkward about entering on such an explanation. From day to day he became more and more entangled. It seemed to her mother and Sónya that Natásha was in love with Borís as of old.

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