BOOK 11, Chptr. 22, P&V pg. 878

An unnamed, impoverished young officer who is related to Count Rostóv stops at the Rostóv house seeking assistance, and the housekeeper gives him 25 rubles.


  1. Book 11, Chapter 22

      An unnamed, impoverished young officer who is related to Count Rostóv stops at the Rostóv house seeking assistance, and the housekeeper gives him 25 rubles.

      Moscow was nearly deserted. There was hardly anyone in the streets. In the great drawing room of the Rostóv house, were the yard porter Ignát, and the page boy Míshka. The two unsupervised boys were playing around with things in the room until the former housekeeper Mávra Kuzmínichna comes in sends them off. Just then, there is a knock at the gate. It is an impoverished young officer of eighteen, with the round face of a Rostóv, who says he is a kinsman of Count Rostóv’s and has come seeking help. The young man bears a strong family resemblance to Count Rostóv. Mávra Kuzmínichna tells him the Count has left, but she gives the young man 25 rubles. He thanks her and leaves to catch up with his regiment.

      quote from the chapter:
      If his excellency had been at home, as a kinsman he would of course… but as it is…
      Mávra Kuzmínichna grew abashed and confused. The officer did not decline, but took the (25 ruble) note quietly and thanked her.
      If the count had been at home… Mávra Kuzmínichna went on apologetically. Christ be with you, sir! May God preserve you! said she, bowing as she saw him out.
      Swaying his head and smiling as if amused at himself, the officer ran almost at a trot through the deserted streets toward the Yaúza bridge to overtake his regiment.
      But Mávra Kuzmínichna stood at the closed gate for some time with moist eyes, pensively swaying her head and feeling an unexpected flow of motherly tenderness and pity for the unknown young officer.

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