BOOK 10, Chptr. 31, P&V pg. 791

Accidentally wandering into the midst of the battle, Pierre by chance takes refuge in Raévski’s Redoubt, which becomes the center of the fighting.


  1. Book 10, Chapter 31

      Accidently wandering into the midst of the battle, Pierre by chance takes refuge in Raévski’s Redoubt, which becomes the center of the fighting.

      Pierre can’t keep up with Kutúzov, and he accidently wanders into the battle. He is in danger and in the way. People are shouting at him. He finds someone to lead him to a safer place, the Raévski’s Redoubt. This redoubt has trenches on three sides, and many Russian guns constantly firing. This redoubt becomes the center of the fighting. Thousands of men will die around it that day. But behind the redoubt, a strong comradery prevails with the defending Russian troops, even though canon balls are flying everywhere. Initially annoyed by Pierre’s presence, eventually the men accept him. Pierre tries to stay out of everyone’s way. The fighting is very intense all day. When they need to switch to firing grapeshot, Pierre offers to go to the wagons and help carry up boxes of ammunition.. But just before he reaches the ammunition wagon, it is hit and shatters into pieces. Pierre is knocked to the ground.

      quote from the chapter:
      The booming cannonade and the fusillade of musketry were growing more intense over the whole field, especially to the left where Bagratión’s flèches were, but where Pierre was the smoke of the firing made it almost impossible to distinguish anything. Moreover, his whole attention was engrossed by watching the family circle-separated from all else-formed by the men in the battery. His first unconscious feeling of joyful animation produced by the sights and sounds of the battlefield was now replaced by another, especially since he had seen that soldier lying alone in the hayfield. Now, seated on the slope of the trench, he observed the faces of those around him.

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